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Zhang Yurong
Research Fields: Social Policy, Social Security, HIV/AIDS  



Research FieldsSocial Policy, Social Security, HIV/AIDS



Email zhangyurong@bnu.edu.cn





PhD of Public Management, Beijing Normal University



Work Experience


July 2011-

School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal University


Sept.2009.9—June 2011

Post-doc, School of Management, Beijing Normal University



Visiting Scholar at Institute for Life Course and Aging, University of Toronto



Journal articles


1.         Yurong Zhang, Esme Fuller-Thomson, Christine Anne Mitchell and Xiulan Zhang (2013). Older Adults with HIV/AIDS in Rural China. Open Aids Journal. 7:51-57.


2.         Weijun Zhang, Xuemei Li, Yan Lin, Xiulan Zhang, Zhiyong Qu, Xiaohua Wang, Huiwen Xu, Alvina Jiao, Mengqi Guo, Yurong Zhang, Yafang Li, Donghua Tian(2013). Pathways to psychiatric care in urban north China: a general hospital based study. International Journal of Mental Health Systems. 7:22.doi:10.1186/1752-4458-7-22.

3.         Xiulan Zhang, Yurong Zhang, Tamara Aleong, Tobi Baker & Esme Fuller-Thomson (2012). Factors Associated with the Household Income of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in China. Global Journal of Health Science, Vol 4(3), 108-116.

4.         Xiulan Zhang, Pierre Miege and Yurong Zhang (2011). Decentralization of the Provision of Health Services to People Living with HIV/AIDS in Rural China: The Case of Three Counties.Journal of Health Research Policy and Systems (SSCI).2011,9:9. doi:10.1186/1478-4505-9-9.

5.         Yurong Zhang, Xiulan Zhang, Tamara Hanko Aleong and Esme Fuller-Thomson (2011). Impact of HIV/AIDS on Social relationships in Rural China. Open Aids Journal, Vol(5), 67-73. doi: 10.2174/1874613601105010067.

6.         Xiying Wang, Xiulan Zhang, Yuebin Xu, and Yurong Zhang (2011).Health Service Access for Rural People Living with HIV/AIDS in China: A Critical Evaluation. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, Vol(4), 77-100.

7.         Xiying Wang, Xiulan Zhang, Yuebin Xu, and Yurong Zhang(2010). Women, Poverty, and the Epidemic in China: Case Studies on Rural People Living with HIV/AIDS. Illness, Crisis and Loss, Vol 18.(2), 129-146.


Research reports


1.         Zhang Xiulan, Miège Pierre and Zhang Yurong (June 2009). Impact of the Global Fund HIV/AIDS programmes on coordination and coverage of financial assistance schemes for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. The Maximizing Positive Synergies Academic Consortium.

2.         Zhang Xiulan, Zhang Yurong, Pierre Miege, Wang Xiying, Wang Xiaohua, Jin Chengang, Xu Yuebin (2008).Impact of the Global Fund on Equity, Financial Protection and Social Assistance Policy.

3.         Xu Yuebin, Wang Xiying, Zhang Yurong (2008). Research on the social assistance policy for women living with HIV/AIDS and their family members in China.


Conference Paper


The Impact of the Global Fund on Equity, Financial Protection and Social Assistance Policy. Pierre Miege and Zhang Yurong. Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives Network international Conference, Dublin Ireland , Nov 17-24,2007。