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Welcoming Freshmen: Gathering at SSDPP for Dream Realization - Freshmen of SSDPP Successfully Enrolled

source:   Release time:2023-08-29   views:

With the end of summer’s heat waves

and the refreshing breeze of autumn,

the freshmen of SSDPP gathered at our campus

for dream realization.

To ensure the smooth progress of freshmen welcoming activities, the volunteers of SSDPP started the preparation work at 6 o'clock in the morning. They gathered, in two groups, at the Jingshi Square and Room 2030 of the Rear Main Building, welcoming the freshmen with high enthusiasm.

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Volunteers welcoming freshmen

After 7:30, the freshmen arrived in succession, and our staff provided enrollment services for them and patiently answered their questions. With the assistance of our volunteers, the freshmen completed their enrollment and information registration, as well as the transfer of household registration and Party or League organizational relationship, taking the "first step" of the new semester.

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Work Site of Jingshi Square

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Work Site of the Rear Main Building

The volunteers at the Zhuhai Campus, which is more than two thousand kilometers away from Beijing, began to make preparations for welcoming the freshmen at six o'clock in the morning, and arranged for the division of labor and logistics support for the registration of freshmen as well.

Freshmen Welcome Work Site (Site 1-6) at Zhuhai Campus

Relevant leaders of SSDPP are very concerned about the welcome work. Secretary of the General Party Branch Tian Donghua arrived at the work site to communicate with the freshmen's parents and provide on-site guidance on the welcome work.

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Pictures of Freshmen

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Photos of Freshmen at Zhuhai Campus

President Ma Jun and other leaders of Zhuhai Campus visited the welcome site to understand the registration status of freshmen, had a cordial talk with the teachers and students, and took a group photo with them as a souvenir.

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At 5 pm on August 27,

the freshmen registration work successfully came to an end.

The new semester is a new starting point.

Welcome the new members of our big family!

Wishing the new students all the best in their academic journey

and shine brilliantly

while adhering to their original aspirations!

Text/Photo by: Li Yuhan, Shen Haotong, Wang Shihui

Reviewed by: Shen Haotong